Our Animals

We have 2 Nubian does, Blissberry Billie, Humble Acres Liberty Bell. They are both wonderful girls and love to give a show! Nubian goats are dual-purpose goats, though ours are only used for milk. We bought Billie in November, 2012, from a girl who was getting out of show goats. 
                                                                                                            Blissberry Billie

 Here at Humble Acres we raise Large Black Hogs and Red Wattles 
 These are both heritage breed pigs. The Large Blacks Hogs (LBH) have gigantic ears that droop far over their eyes making it harder for them to see, so they are very docile pigs. We have one LBH boar and one LBH Sow (Matilda) The Red Wattles are very well known for their red tender meat (beef like). We have one Red Wattle Sow named Lucy. Below are some Old Spot barrow that were taken the butcher.

The Chickens

 French Black Copper Marans

The Black Copper Marans was one of the biggest chicken crazes about two years ago. They lay a highly desired dark chocolate brown egg. Our birds are from Cottage Hill, Wade Jeane and Bev Davis bloodlines. All of our birds are feathered legged. These guy would make a great addition to any flock!

Lavender Ameraucana

This personally is one of my favorite breeds we have. They have the best personalities ever! Though Lavender is not a standard color for the Ameraucana, they are still beautiful birds. The Lavender Ameraucana lays a bright blue egg.  All of our Ameraucanas are bearded and muffed. 

Cream Legbar

The Cream Legbar is an auto-sexing bird, that can lay anywhere from a green to a blue egg. Although this is a small bird they lay some big eggs. These are very sweet birds! Our stock is from GreenFire Farms.

Golden Cuckoo Marans
The Golden Cuckoo Marans are very sweet natured
and are beautiful! As all Marans they lay a chocolate
colored egg, and are feathered legged.
Our stock is from FancyChick.

 "I use all my own photos and do NOT photo-shop them"

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